

May 30, 2020


Paperbacker Podcast!


What do we do?

This is a podcast about exploring the world and reading books from different countries! As we enter bookstores, we'll be introduced to a book by someone local of that country.

Haven't read the book?

Don't worry! Our show is designed for people who have both read and haven't read it. We journey through the story together providing some summary for listeners to follow or refresh their understanding of the story.

Why should I listen?

Have you ever read a story and paused to think about some passage or text? We do the same but have the benefit of asking someone about it firsthand! Better yet, we get the international perspective.

Our podcast gives you that extra reach, an extension of the story so you leave with a fuller, richer understanding of the cultural or historical influences this book stems from. Different nations have different influences and opinions and we'd like to find out what they are!

Who is Paige?

Traveling alone can be lonely. So I've brought a book to keep me company. Paige is not a normal book, she's alive, talks to me, and loves getting lost in the bookstores we visit.

She's about 400 pages wide, a white cover, and full of empty pages for logging the adventures in. She's helpful to me in keeping track of our experiences.

This may sound strange, right? But it shouldn't! Many books already speak to us. They breath, live, and are rich with character. We cherish these books as more than just paper, but as true companions, even guides, in our lives. Paige is no different in that way.

Listen Today!

What are you waiting for?


JAKE: Hello there! My name's Jake. I'm backpacking around the world through books. And I'm not alone. This 400 page book with me is also my friend. Her name's Paige. Say hi Paige!

PAIGE: Hello everyone!

JAKE: However...she does have the tendency to get separated from me during our trips to these international bookstores.

PAIGE: I know. Sorry!

JAKE: Well the good news is I often meet very interesting locals with their own interesting books written from that very country! Discover your next read, review one you already did, or get an experience beyond the pages. Each country will give you a fascinating discussion that I'm sure you'll love. So press subscribe, don't wait, and explore the world with us!

You're listening to PAPERBACKER PODCAST!