November 30, 2020
Moscow, Russia
Mikhail Bulgakov
Paige and I are rushing through the streets and alleyways of Moscow, chased by cats. We meet two guests, Roman and Igor, who are brothers who rescue us and bring us to the bookstore to show us the tale of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. A tale about the devil disguised as a magician who causes major and hilarious mischief for the citizens of Moscow. This satirical piece is a classic masterpiece that not only captures the Stalin era but of life in Moscow then and now. Not only that, we visit Pontious Pilate in biblical times and run around with Margarita flying on a broom like a witch, and more!
We explore it all together. Listen today!
Woland = central character, Satan, symbolic fictional representation of Joseph Stalin
Margarita = titular character, heroine, 30 years old, in love with Master though married to another man
The Master = titular character, author, in love with Margarita
Ivan "Homeless" Nikolaevich Ponyrev
Mikhael Alexandrovich Berlioz = Head of MASOLIT, gets head severed by a tram in chapter 1
Styopa Likhodeev = the director of the Variety theater, ends up in Yalta
Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy = chairman of the tenants’ association asked with overseeing apartment no. 50, Berlioz’s property
Grigory Danilovich Rimsky = financial director of the Variety theater.
Judas of Kiriath = for money he tricks Yeshua and gets him arrested
Baron Meigel = employee of "Spectacles Commission"
Alexander Riukhin = a fellow literary colleague and poet of "Homeless"
Yeshua Ha-Nozri = a.k.a. Jesus of Nazareth
Joseph Kaifa = high priest of the Jews
Matthew Levi = disciple of Yeshua
Judas of Kiriath = for money he tricks Yeshua and gets him arrested
Banga = Pontius Pilate's dog
Pontius Pilate = fifth procurator of Judea and subject of the Master's novel
Koroviev = Woland's right-hand man, wears a pince-nez, a jockey's cap, and chequered clothes. Koroviev is good at manipulating people into showing their worst selves.
Behemoth = huge black cat, can do everything humans can do, most mischievious of the crew
Azazello = "muscle" of the crew, short, fat, broad-shouldered, mouth has a single fang, hair flaming red
Hella = beautfiul redheaded succubus or vampire, usually naked
Ivan Savalyevich Varenukha = administrator of the Variety theater
Dr. Stravinsky = head of psychiatric clinic
Aphranius = Aphranius is the shadowy figure that serves as Pontius Pilate’s head of secret police.
Dysmas = Dysmas is one of the other men executed at the same time as Yeshua Ha-Nozri.GestasGestas is one of the other men executed at the same time as Yeshua Ha-Nozri.
Prokhor PetrovichProkhor is the chairman of the “Commission on Spectacles and Entertainment of the Lighter Type.”
Soviet Russia
Vodka and Russians - A sterotype or true nature?
"All men are good"...did you really say that Yeshua?
Crime and Russian Police
Criticizing Putin and government
and more!
This book in this episode was translated by Mirra Ginsburg. We read the kindle version of this novel.
Pages: 418
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Howard, James. "The Master and Margarita Characters." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 11 Jan 2019. Web. 3 Mar 2021.